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Health is the condition of your body and mind. Learn and understand ways to be healthy. A healthy lifestyle should include good nutrition, exercise, hygiene, enough sleep, and medical care. Stay active, take care of your body, make healthy choices, and eat healthy.





Healthy food helps your body to be strong, have energy, and keep a healthy body weight. The key to healthy eating is to eat a variety of foods from each of the 5 food groups so your body gets the nutrients and vitamins it needs to function.

5 food groups

For your body's health, get care when you are sick and get medical help when needed, get immunizations, and get regular check-ups or annual physical exams. Immunizations are needed to prevent getting illnesses from bacteria and viruses. Take medicine as directed by your doctor. Use hygiene like washing your hands and bathing. Hygiene means to use cleanliness to protect against disease. Brushing your teeth, flossing, and regular dental check-ups are also important for good health.

For a healthy mind, find a quiet time for yourself and relax. Reduce stress. Take time to play or do an activity you enjoy. Being kind to yourself and others helps you feel happy and healthy. Humor and laughter are good for your health.

Health ABC's

A  Active

B  Body

C  Choices

D  Doctor

 Eat healthy

F  Fruit

G  Grow

H  Hygiene

I   Immunization


 K  Kind

 L   Laugh

 M  Medicine

 N  Nurse

 O  Oxygen

 P  Play

 Q  Quiet

 R  Relax

 S  Sleep

 T Therapy

 U  Understand

 V  Vegetable

 W  Wellness

 X  X-ray

 Y  You

 Z   Zest

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